Software Packaging

Figure 1

alt text for accessibility purposes
A software package is like a box containing all the items you need for a particular activity, neatly packed together to transport to someone else.

Package File History

Accessing Packages

Creating Packages


Figure 1

alt text for accessibility purposes
The framework of semantic versioning is described by three version numbers, major, minor and patch.

Publishing Python Packages

Figure 1

Workflow describing how to release a package on GitHub.
Figure 1: Workflow describing how to release a package on GitHub..

Figure 2

Screenshot of the main landing page of PyPI.
Figure 2: Screenshot of the main landing page of PyPI. GitHub..

Figure 3

Screenshot of the main landing page of Figshare.
Figure 3: Screenshot of the main landing page of Figshare. GitHub..

Figure 4

Demonstration of how to upload software packages to ORDA.
Figure 4: Demonstration of how to upload data or software sources to ORDA. GitHub..