Creating Packages

Last updated on 2024-10-01 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 12 minutes



  • Where do I start if I want to make a Python package?
  • What will I need / want in my package?
  • What’s considered good practice with packaging?


  • Create and build a basic example Python package
  • Understand all the parts and decisions in making the package


This episode will see us creating our own Python project from scratch and installing it into a python virtual environment ready for use. Feel free if you’re feeling adventurous to create your own package content or follow along with this example of a Fibonacci counter.

Fibonacci Counter

This package will allow a user to find any value from the Fibonacci sequence. The Fibonacci sequence is a series of whole numbers where each number is the sum of the two previous numbers. The first 8 numbers of the sequence are 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13.

Reinventing the wheel

It is good to ask yourself if the package or features you are designing have been done before. Obviously we have chosen a simple function as the focus of this episode is on packaging code rather than developing novel code.

Creating the package contents

In this section we will go through creating everything required for the package.

What files and content go into a package?

Think back to the earlier episodes and try to recall all the things that can go into a package.

  1. Python Module - This is the directory with the python code that does the work.
  2. Configuration File - e.g. your pyproject.toml file
  3. Other metadata files - e.g. LICENCE,, citation.cff
  4. Python Tests - A directory full of unit-tests and other tests

In this episode we will only be creating a minimal example so many of the files you have thought of won’t be included. Next we will be creating our directory structure. In either your documents folder if you are on Windows or your home directory if you are on macOS or Linux, create a folder called my_project

📦 my_project/
├── 📂 my_package/
│   └── 📄
├── 📄 pyproject.toml
└── 📂 tests/
    └── 📄

The first thing we will do in this project is create the python module (the actual code!).

Creating Python module

  1. Create a python file called as shown in the structure above.
  2. Add the following code which contains a function that returns the Fibonacci sequence


def fibonacci(n_terms):
  num1 = 0
  num2 = 1
  next_num = 1
  count = 0

  while count < n_terms:
    count += 1
    num1, num2 = num2, next_num
    next_num = num1 + num2

Using your Python module

Create a script in your project directory that imports and uses your fibonacci script. This will serve as a good quick test that it works.

  1. Create the file in /my_project, for example
  2. Import and run the fibonacci function:


from my_package.fibonacci import fibonacci


Configuration File

In this section we are going to look deeper into the pyproject.toml. Sections in a .toml file are called tables. In a pyproject.toml file there are 2 tables required for a minimum working pyproject.toml: a [build-system] table and a [project] table. Take a look at the minimum example pyproject.toml below.


requires = ["setuptools"]

name = "my_cool_package"
version = "0.0.0"
description = "A package to do awesome things"
dependencies = ["pandas", "numpy"]


The [build-system] table specifies information required to build your project directory into a package. The main key in this table is requires, this key states what build tool(s) should be used to do this building. There are multiple popular build tools that can be used to build your project, in this tutorial we will use setuptools, as it is simple and very popular.


The [project] table is where your package’s core metadata is declared.

pyproject.toml documentation

The full list of accepted keys can be found here in the documentation

Create your configuration file

Create a pyproject.toml file with the two required tables. In the [project] table include the following keys:

  • name
  • version
  • description
  • authors
  • keywords


requires = ["setuptools"]

name = "fibonacci"
version = "0.0.0"
description = "A package which can produce the Fibonacci sequence"
authors = [{name = "your_name", email=""}]
keywords = ["fibonacci", "maths"]

Running py -m pip install . will install your package. Just ensure your terminal’s working directory is the same as the pyproject.toml file!

Editable Install

When installing your own package locally, there is an option called editable or -e for short. py -m pip install -e .

With a default installation (without -e), any changes to your source package will only appear in your python environment when your package is rebuilt and reinstalled. The editable option allows for quick development of a package by removing that need to be reinstalled, for this reason it is sometimes called development mode!

Key Points

  • A package can be built with as little as 2 files, a python script and a configuration file
  • pyproject.toml files have 2 key tables, [build-system] and [project]
  • Editable instals allow for quick and easy package development